Confirmation Sunday (12 November)

A reflection on the Gospel of John, Chapter 1, verses 14-18

The passage of Scripture now before us is very short, if we measure it by words. But it is very long, if we measure it by the nature of its contents. The substance of it is so immensely important that we shall do well to give it separate and distinct consideration. This single verse contains more than enough matter for a whole exposition. The plain meaning of these words is, that our divine Saviour really took human nature upon Him, in order to save sinners. He really became a man like ourselves in all things, sin only excepted. Like ourselves, he was born of a woman, though born in a miraculous manner. Like ourselves, He grew from infancy to boyhood, and from boyhood to man’s estate, both in wisdom and in stature (Luke 2:52). Like ourselves, he hungered, thirsted, ate, drank, slept, was wearied, felt pain, wept, rejoiced, marvelled, was moved to anger and compassion. Having become flesh, and taken a body, He prayed, read the Scriptures, suffered being tempted, and submitted His human will to the will of God the Father. And finally, in the same body, He really suffered and shed His blood, really died, was really buried, really rose again, and really ascended up into heaven. And yet all this time He was God as well as man! This union of two natures in Christ’s one Person is doubtless one of the greatest mysteries of our Christian faith and as we join with our candidates for Confirmation, let us all take this opportunity to re-commit our lives to God too. We belong to Christ by virtue of our baptism and that is why today, along with our Confirmation candidates, we say ‘Yes’ to a life of worship, witness and service. Worship – because we build our relationship with God by spending quality time with him; witness – because following Jesus involves living out His love in our daily lives; service – because we must show others God’s love in practical ways. I invite you to keep our Confirmation candidates in your prayers this week and pray for God’s spirit to be poured on them and us.
