The Reverend Canon Christopher Carolane, Vicar (Acting)
Our Acting Vicar is the Reverend Canon Christopher Carolane. Canon Christopher holds qualifications in Chemistry, Education and Theology, and has had a life-long involvement in Christian life, with a particular calling to ministry with children and, later, chaplaincy. He has been a teacher, a school chaplain, and Chaplain to Trinity College at the University of Melbourne; and he is Associate Priest and Canon Emeritus of the Cathedral. He is a co-founder of Australian Collaboration Cambodia Inc., a registered charity working among very poor Cambodian people in the areas of education, medical care and hygiene. Canon Christopher is in the parish on Sundays and two other days each week. Enquiries about services, weddings, funerals, baptisms and confirmations should be directed to him, along with any request for pastoral care. His contact details are here.
The Reverend Philippa Wetherell, Honorary Associate Priest
The Reverend Philippa Wetherell is our honorary Associate Priest. Formerly a Sister in the Society of the Sacred Advent in Queensland, and now an Oblate in the Community of the Holy Name in Victoria, Reverend Philippa was ordained Deacon and Priest in 2003, after many years of service in parish life within Australia and teaching in Papua New Guinea. Reverend Philippa has a passion for mission in developing countries, for social justice, and for the cause of refugees.