Free Christian music

The music, and hymn words, on this page are original compositions, which have been used a number of times in the Parish of South Darebin. The pieces here are all subject to copyright, but permission is granted for use in Christian worship and for education purposes. Please acknowledge the source if you use these materials.

1. “Fear Not, Little Flock

This is a setting for solo or unison choir/congregation, with keyboard or guitar accompaniment, of a section from the Gospel according to St Luke. The refrain is “Fear not, little flock, for it has pleased God to give you the Kingdom.”

2. “Jesus, My Lord, Remember Me”

Originally written to be sung outside as part of the Stations of the Cross for Good Friday, this piece is set for solo or unison voice with guitar accompaniment. There is a keyboard part added here.

3. Hymn about the Wedding at Cana in Galilee

This set of words was written around readings set for the Second Sunday after Epiphany, Year C. It makes reference in particular to Christ changing the water into wine.