From Cambodia (7 July)

From Cambodia (7 July)

Dear friends, I am writing this message from Cambodia, where I have been meeting with representatives of a number of poor communities among whom my charity, Australian Collaboration Cambodia, works. Yesterday I visited a very poor village in Ratanaki Province where the people are from a minority group called the Jarai people, who have their…

Brand new life (16 June)

My wife and I enjoy watching ’The Repair Shop’ on TV.  The Repair Shop is a place where highly skilled furniture restorers, horologists, metal workers, ceramicists, upholsterers and all manner of skilled craftsmen and women restore for people objects that hold a special place in their hearts. It is wonderful to see the transformations of…

Trinity Sunday – and National Sorry Day (26 May)

I want to share with you some statements from Reconciliation Australia and the Healing Foundation concerning National Sorry Day. In 2020, Reconciliation Australia wrote: “Every year on 26 May, National Sorry Day remembers and acknowledges the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed from their families and communities, which we…