Honouring St Laurence (11 August)
Last week I shared with you a quotation attributed to Saint Augustine of Hippo. Today, as we celebrate the feast of St Laurence, I share with you another quote from Saint Augustine when he was preaching on the Feast of St Laurence in about 400AD:
“[St Laurence] loved Christ in his life, he imitated Him in his death…After all, we shall not be able to give a better proof of love than by imitating His example…
“Christ humbled himself: you have something, Christian, to latch on to. Christ became obedient. – Why do you behave proudly? After running the course of these humiliations and laying death low, Christ ascended into heaven – let us follow Him there. Let us listen to the Apostle telling us, ‘If you have risen with Christ,savour the things that are above where Christ is, seated at God’s right hand.’ ”
St Laurence dedicated his life and ministry to care for the poor. After he was falsely accused of hoarding great riches for himself and the Church, Laurence’s life ended in a horrible and cruel death, just as Jesus’ life had ended cruelly. Laurence’s faith never wavered even as he was being executed. He knew that he would follow his Lord into God’s glorious kingdom to be in the eternal presence of that loving Spirit where there is no poverty, pain or sickness – where all things are made new.
As we reflect today on the life of St Laurence, may this be our prayer:
Deliver the Church from the greed and envy of the powerful and protect her rights and property so that she may serve the needy in freedom, giving them good things for soul and body. May we come some day with all those whom we helped on earth to the bright mansions of heaven where we will enjoy the riches of God’s house and the company of the Saviour who lives and reigns forever and ever.
Grace and peace to you all.